Common Questions About Estheticians and Esthetician Training
What is an esthetician and what do they do?
Estheticians are specially trained skin care therapists who offer a wide variety of services including waxing, other forms of hair removal, facials, chemical peels*, microdermabrasion*, makeup application, and more.
Estheticians are typically employed in day spas, salons, destination spas, dermatology & plastic surgery practices, and retail or educational environments.
How long does it take to complete the esthetics program at Estelle?
We offer a comprehensive 750-hour esthetics program (as required for licensure in Illinois) with a variety of flexible schedules. Students can finish the program in as little as six months when attending our full-time morning schedule. We offer evening, part-time, and weekend options if your schedule doesn’t allow for daytime attendance.
Will I need to continue my education after school?
Our esthetician program includes the latest skin care advancements alongside time-tested techniques to prepare graduates to enter the esthetics industry immediately. As a licensed esthetician in Illinois, you’ll be required to complete 10 hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew and maintain your license. These continuing education classes are offered by Estelle and other outlets to help you stay at the industry forefront.
Already an Esthetician?
We offer an Esthetics Teacher program to further your career! Our teacher program consists of 750 hours of training to completely prepare you to pass on your knowledge to aspiring estheticians! Call us today at (847) 329-9174 for more information.